
Jan. 31., 2006 | 07:40 am
No:: petro

A tu kaut ko par MP3 Stereo modēm esi dzirdējis?
Tevis minētais kad 128=64+64 ir tikai 2. no trim tālāk minētajiem.

1) Joint Stereo - smallest file size, superb sound quality, NO surround sound
2) Dual Channel - largest file size (can be same size as 2 channel AC3 soundtrack), surround ONLY works with dual channel if a high bitrate is selected (at least 224kbps, since half of that is allocated to left and right channels each).
3) Stereo - Inferior to both 1 and 2 above in all respects for all purposes. Larger file size than 1, but NO surround sound support, since too many Dolby "phase" related bits are robbed from one channel and given to the other.

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