Maijs. 19., 2012 | 05:00 pm
No:: kdb

Nu tur taču tālāk tekstā paskaidrots: General international law is international law that is binding on most, if not all, States. It is the law which governs the international community in general “as is far the greater part of customary law.” This is distinguished from both regional international law, which is only binding upon States from an identified geographical region and particular international law (usually contained within treaties) which is only binding upon a few States.

General international law ir nošķirams no regional international law, kā arī no specifiskiem startautiskiem nolīgumiem, un tāpēc ir starptautiski saistošs daudz visaptverošākā un vispārinātā formā, tāpat, kā lielākā daļa no customary law.

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