Apr. 8., 2010 | 11:14 am
No:: izraide

pēc wikipēdijas tādi dzīvot nepelnījuši eiropas izcelsmes cilvēkbūtnes ir Indigenous Norwegian Travellers, Irish Travellers, Romani people, Scottish Travelleri un Yeniche.

Switzerland persecution

Until the 1970s, the Swiss government had a semi-official policy of institutionalizing Yeniche parents as "mentally ill" and having their children be adopted by more "normal" Swiss citizens, in an effort to eliminate Yeniche culture[1]. The name of this program was "Kinder der Landstraße" ("children of the country road"). 590 children were taken from their parents and institutionalized in orphanages, mental institutions and even prisons[2]. Today 35,000 Jenische live in Switzerland, mostly concentrated around Graubünden. Only about 5,000 of them currently live the traditional traveller lifestyle.

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