Dec. 6., 2009 | 10:47 pm
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"Most labs have their printers set up to increase the size of each image by 1-2%. This expands the image beyond the borders of the paper. The reason is to prevent a white strip from being printed along one or more edges if the paper is not perfectly aligned within the feed path"
Tomēr izskatās, ka to var arī atslēgt.
Rekur interesanta lasāmviela par drukas tehniku, sevišķi uz beigām, 18. punkts(+ pēc tam arī Notes), kurš izskaidro Noritsu kodus(konkrēti upscale ir [5]), kurus var atrast bildes otrajā pusē. printer_profiles.htm
"Most labs have their printers set up to increase the size of each image by 1-2%. This expands the image beyond the borders of the paper. The reason is to prevent a white strip from being printed along one or more edges if the paper is not perfectly aligned within the feed path"
Tomēr izskatās, ka to var arī atslēgt.
Rekur interesanta lasāmviela par drukas tehniku, sevišķi uz beigām, 18. punkts(+ pēc tam arī Notes), kurš izskaidro Noritsu kodus(konkrēti upscale ir [5]), kurus var atrast bildes otrajā pusē.