Apr. 23., 2009 | 05:14 pm
No:: crash_and_burn

On personal computers, the Turbo button changes the effective speed of the system. It usually accomplishes this by either adjusting the CPU clock speed directly, or by turning off the processor's cache, forcing it to wait on slow main memory every time. The button was generally present on older systems, and was designed to allow the user to play older games that depended on processor speed for their timing. Systems could also use the keyboard combination of ctrl-alt-+/-, '+' switching turbo OFF and '-' switching it ON. Of course, calling it a "turbo" button when its function slows the system down can be a bit misleading, but the button was usually set up so the system would be at full speed when the button was "on". A turbo button is no longer seen on most mainstream personal computers.

no: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_button

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