Sep. 15., 2005 | 07:46 pm
No:: laboratorija
Analgin (NOVALGIN)
Analgin has various other names like metamizol, dipyrone, and noramidopyrine. The general belief that analgin is a more powerful pain reliever than others is far from true. It is meant to be sold only on a doctor's prescription (schedule H drug) as it can cause serious adverse reactions. However, it is a pity that general shops sell it freely. It is available as a single drug or in combination with other pain relievers.
Analgin depresses the bone marrow, which is the blood-forming organ, due to an allergic reaction which is life-threatening. In most Western countries, it has virtually disappeared from the therapeutic scene but continues to be sold in some East European and most developing countries. In India, a ban has been put on the use of amidopyrine due to its adverse effects, but the closely related drug, analgin, which is nothing but nor-amidopyrine and produces similar adverse effects, continues. The argument that it is available in injection form and can be used in emergencies in unconscious patients is not acceptable, as the safer drug, paracetamol, is also available in this form. It is also available in combination with paracetamol and caffeine (CANAPAR, FARGESIC, PALGIN, ULTRAGIN). Analgin is also available with oxyphenbutazone (OXALGIN).
Dosage : The normal recommended dose for adults is 500 mg, three times a day.
Adverse Effects : The most serious adverse effect of analgin is on the bone marrow. It depresses the bone marrow activity which results in a decrease of protective white blood cells (agranulocytosis). This adverse effect occurs on the second or repeated exposure to the drug due to the formation of antibodies against it. Once these are formed, a subsequent use produces an allergic effect which can be fatal. The incidence of this adverse effect has been approximately 0.8% in UK and 0.01% in erstwhile West Germany.The figures for India are not available as no attempt has ever been made to record the incidence of its adverse effects.
Other adverse effects include irritation of the stomach which is considerably more than that caused by aspirin. Prolonged use may prove to be toxic to the kidneys. Skin rashes and asthma can also be caused due to allergy.
1. In view of the availability of safer pain relievers, avoid its use.
2. Do not take it on an empty stomach; take it after meals.
3. If you have hyperacidity or a peptic ulcer, avoid it.
4. If symptoms of allergy in the form of skin rashes or asthma or symptoms of bone marrow depression such as sore throat or fever occur, stop the drug and consult the doctor.
Note: is an unsafe drug owing to the various adverse effects mentioned above.
Analgin has various other names like metamizol, dipyrone, and noramidopyrine. The general belief that analgin is a more powerful pain reliever than others is far from true. It is meant to be sold only on a doctor's prescription (schedule H drug) as it can cause serious adverse reactions. However, it is a pity that general shops sell it freely. It is available as a single drug or in combination with other pain relievers.
Analgin depresses the bone marrow, which is the blood-forming organ, due to an allergic reaction which is life-threatening. In most Western countries, it has virtually disappeared from the therapeutic scene but continues to be sold in some East European and most developing countries. In India, a ban has been put on the use of amidopyrine due to its adverse effects, but the closely related drug, analgin, which is nothing but nor-amidopyrine and produces similar adverse effects, continues. The argument that it is available in injection form and can be used in emergencies in unconscious patients is not acceptable, as the safer drug, paracetamol, is also available in this form. It is also available in combination with paracetamol and caffeine (CANAPAR, FARGESIC, PALGIN, ULTRAGIN). Analgin is also available with oxyphenbutazone (OXALGIN).
Dosage : The normal recommended dose for adults is 500 mg, three times a day.
Adverse Effects : The most serious adverse effect of analgin is on the bone marrow. It depresses the bone marrow activity which results in a decrease of protective white blood cells (agranulocytosis). This adverse effect occurs on the second or repeated exposure to the drug due to the formation of antibodies against it. Once these are formed, a subsequent use produces an allergic effect which can be fatal. The incidence of this adverse effect has been approximately 0.8% in UK and 0.01% in erstwhile West Germany.The figures for India are not available as no attempt has ever been made to record the incidence of its adverse effects.
Other adverse effects include irritation of the stomach which is considerably more than that caused by aspirin. Prolonged use may prove to be toxic to the kidneys. Skin rashes and asthma can also be caused due to allergy.
1. In view of the availability of safer pain relievers, avoid its use.
2. Do not take it on an empty stomach; take it after meals.
3. If you have hyperacidity or a peptic ulcer, avoid it.
4. If symptoms of allergy in the form of skin rashes or asthma or symptoms of bone marrow depression such as sore throat or fever occur, stop the drug and consult the doctor.
Note: is an unsafe drug owing to the various adverse effects mentioned above.