
Aug. 28., 2008 | 12:22 pm
No:: mandariina

mēs tikām galā ar šo pamācību:
Ok everyone, I appreciate all of your comments on how to help remove this crazy thing! Not one alone worked, a combination. I will try and help everyone else out! So, go to your start menu and mouse over the XP program that was “installed”. It will tell you where it is located. Mine was at C:/Programs/Files/rhc7aoj0ea8g. It was a hidden file for me when I was trying to find it on the registry and I don’t know how to find hidden files. After this, hit ctrl+alt+delete. It will show you the task manager. Click on the processes tab. End every process with that similar extension. Mine was rhc7aoj0ea8g.exe, lphc3oj0ea8g.exe and one other file. It will tell you that you can harm your computer by ending the process, but do it anyway (I honestly thought I couldn’t mess the computer up any more by doing it!). Now, hit the “start” button and search. Hit “All Files and Folders”. In “All or part of file name” copy and paste or type that file extension. For me it was “aoj0ea8g”. Hit “more advanced options” and make sure “search hidden files and folders” is checked. Hit “search”. You’ll now want to right-click and delete every file that the search found. Now, go to the recycle bin and empty the trash - right click on the recycle bin. Next, hit “start” and control panel. Hit remove XPAnti and it will let you remove it. Now, go to the “start menu” and remove the icons for the program. Do the same thing on the desktop. Next, empty the recycle bin one more time. Retart your computer and run a virus check. This will have removed everything and you are good to go! Your Desktop might still be Microsoft Blue, but you can change the desktop. Good Luck Everyone!

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