
Aug. 21., 2008 | 09:04 am
No:: aizliegts_v

Taks. Izskatās, ka mums abiem taisnība :) Tavam kompim ir 'up to 1535 MB total graphics memory with 256 MB dedicated', kas nozīmē, ka papildus saviem 256 MB videokarte var paņemt papildus atmiņu no mātes plates RAM. Bet to, cik ņemt un kurā brīdī, visdrīzāk nosaka videokarte pati, ņemot vērā softa prasības utt. Tobiš, nav tādu setingu BIOSā vai kur citur, ar ko Tu to vari mainīt.

Te kādam bija tāda pati problēma, pat kompis HP, tikai vecāks, un tur arī neiepriecinošā atbilde:

The "UP TO" part implies that I the 128 shared can be modified, but I can't find anywhere how to do it.
I don't think the Up To means that it's user definable. I believe it's a dynamic thing that is somehow managed by the video "card"*, motherboard, and/or operating system and is dependent on the graphics need at the time. As aubilenon noted the graphics will first use the dedicated 128 MB video RAM and, if needed, expand to use up to 128 MB system RAM. It does it in this fashion because the dedicated video RAM is much faster than the system RAM.

Par to lielāka videoRAM vajadzību - te ir mazliet vielas pārdomām, vai tiešām ir vajadzīgs vairāk atmiņas :),1297-3.html

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