Apr. 1., 2008 | 01:31 pm
No:: crash_and_burn
Sheit ir noteikumi:
http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/buy/questi ons/retract-bid.html
Bet visaa visumaa - ir jaadomaa pirms soliishanas - ja piedalies divaas izsolees un abaas uzvari - nu tad nevar nevienu vainot...
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2citaati no linka:
To cancel a bid, fill in the Bid Retraction form. You’ll be asked to provide a reason why you'd like to cancel your bid. The available reasons are:
* Entered wrong amount
* Seller changed item description
* Cannot contact the seller
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What if you have a different reason for wanting to retract your bid?
If you want to withdraw your bid for any other reason than those given above (for example, a family member placed the bid using your account or you simply changed your mind), please explain the situation to your seller in the first instance. It's up to the seller whether they choose to cancel your bid for you. If they don't cancel your bid and you subsequently win the item but don't pay for it, the seller may file an Unpaid Item Dispute against you.
Bet visaa visumaa - ir jaadomaa pirms soliishanas - ja piedalies divaas izsolees un abaas uzvari - nu tad nevar nevienu vainot...
2citaati no linka:
To cancel a bid, fill in the Bid Retraction form. You’ll be asked to provide a reason why you'd like to cancel your bid. The available reasons are:
* Entered wrong amount
* Seller changed item description
* Cannot contact the seller
What if you have a different reason for wanting to retract your bid?
If you want to withdraw your bid for any other reason than those given above (for example, a family member placed the bid using your account or you simply changed your mind), please explain the situation to your seller in the first instance. It's up to the seller whether they choose to cancel your bid for you. If they don't cancel your bid and you subsequently win the item but don't pay for it, the seller may file an Unpaid Item Dispute against you.