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Previous Entry 10. Nov 2005 @ 12:28 Next Entry
(ir doma)
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Date: 10. Novembris 2005 - 12:31
Oi, šo vakar jau apbrīnoju:

"Jews are here, Jews are there, Jews are almost everywhere, filling up the darkest places, evil looks upon their faces.

Make them take many paces for being one of the worst races, on their way to a gas chamber, where they will sleep in their manger."

Tas nav no Harija Potera?
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Date: 10. Novembris 2005 - 12:44
Par Hariju Poteru kāds gan bija izteicies, ka esot skaidrs, ka viņš pats esot ebrejs, tā kā diez vai :)
(ir doma)
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