VSK - iiss rakurss EU (sievieteem) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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iiss rakurss EU (sievieteem) [Jun. 3rd, 2004|09:33 am]
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[User Picture]
Date:June 3rd, 2004 - 11:56 am
par ko Tu vairaak priecaatos:
1) ka Tevi liktu mieraa
2)ka tev suutiitu dzejoliishus a la
This is a postcard
Saying I'm alright in this beautiful city
This is a phone call
Saying, yes, I am sleeping alone here
But the telephone lines are cut
My hands can't hold the paper
You are on my mind

Nobody knows your name here,
Except when the moon is out
And then they toss in their sleep
Crying out for you to take them
But me I cannot sleep,
I cannot dream,
My heart is shattered
You are on my mind

Once seven colors used to make a man blind
And now we are like birds stuck in barbed wire

Yes, I'm alright
I'm a church,
And I'm burning down
You are on my mind...

3)ka aizrakstiitu : I want you and I will be at the Grenoble park centre cafee 18:00

Date:June 3rd, 2004 - 12:26 pm
Noteikti tikai ne 2! ;)
[User Picture]
Date:June 3rd, 2004 - 12:30 pm
:) mani atkal visvairaak kaardina 2. variants:) vai ta nav smuki bez gala ??? :) starp citu, man reiz peec konferences suutija dzeju spaanju valodaa, es pat tagad atceros ko noziime hasta la vista :)
Date:June 3rd, 2004 - 04:11 pm
Hasta la vista zin arī tie, kuri Terminatoru skatījušies ;)