Tribute To Just Like Heaven [2008, American Laundromat Records] |
[Aug. 14th, 2009|07:37 pm] |
vairāk vai mazāk pazīstamas grupas un mākslinieki spēlē grupas the cure grāvējus

pārsvarā visi ir melanholiski priecīgie pophīti - 80-o drūmajam periodam kaverētājus mums te nepielaiž, jo tad pamostas emogrupu planktons ar savām drausmīgajām atklāsmēm izņēmums ir grand duchy, kur frenka bleka dzīvesbiedrei violetai dziesmā "strange day", prikoļisj, kur interesants vokālais gājiens vislabākais man pašam šķiet the brunettes "lovesonga" kavers, jo tam piemīt tieši tas rotaļīgums, ar kuru paši the cure ir slaveni bet tā, neparasti labs un interesants kaveru almanahs
01. Just Like Heaven performed by JOY ZIPPER 02. The Lovecats performed by TANYA DONELLY & DYLAN IN THE MOVIES 03. Lovesong performed by THE BRUNETTES 04. In Between Days performed by KITTY KARLYLE 05. Friday I'm In Love performed by DEAN & BRITTA 06. Jumping Someone Else's Train performed by LUFF 07. Boys Don't Cry performed by THE SUBMARINES 08. Close To Me performed by ELK CITY 09. The Walk performed by THE ROSEBUDS 10. Pictures Of You performed by ELIZABETH HARPER & THE MATINEE 11. Let’s Go To Bed performed by CASSETTES WON’T LISTEN 12. Catch performed by DEVICS 13. A Night Like This performed by JULIE PEEL 14. 10:15 Saturday Night performed by THE POEMS 15. A Strange Day performed by GRAND DUCHY (Violet Clark & Black Francis) 16. High performed by THE WEDDING PRESENT