muzons - Rabbit Junk [2006] - Reframe [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Rabbit Junk [2006] - Reframe [Dec. 14th, 2008|03:05 pm]
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[mood |Patrakot]
[music |Rabbit Junk]


Rabbit Junk is the one man project of JP Anderson (his previous band was the underground legend The Shizit). Taking familiar influences into unfamiliar territory, Anderson melds Digital Hardcore, Industrial, Punk, Metal and 80s new wave into a new sound he calls Hardclash. Expect to hear hook laden Punk lacerated by screaming angst, cold-wave Industrial shattered by scratched urbanisms, unapologetic Metal deflowered by bratty female vocals, and Junglist chaos tempered with infectious rhythm.

NOLĀDĒT: Reframe [2006] - 192kbps

Ieskatam: February War Industrial is Dead [demo]
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[User Picture]
Date:December 15th, 2008 - 01:52 am
Ir pavisam labs!
[User Picture]
Date:December 15th, 2008 - 01:15 pm

Kā tad, ka labs!

Ja patīk, arī abi pārējie albūmiņ neliks vilties: s/t (2004) + this life is where you get f*cked (2008)
[User Picture]
Date:December 16th, 2008 - 03:14 pm

Re: Kā tad, ka labs!

ū! paldies. pamēģināšu arī šos, ausij un sirdij tīkams skanējums, baigi labs! ^^