muzons - September 5th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 5th, 2011

Dels "Gob" [2011] [Sep. 5th, 2011|03:27 pm]



Lielisks un talantīgs hiphopa albums. No UK grime scēnas.
failiem elvē
PS izrādās, ka lietotājs kruts šajā komūnā jau janvārī bija safanojies par singlu )
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The Chasms [Sep. 5th, 2011|04:45 pm]


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Viena no šābrīža krutākajām noise grupām pasaulē, nekur nevarēja atrast pilnus albumus, beidzot atradu pirmos trīs.
visi vienā failā: Advance Paranoia, Advance [2009], Vs Dandelion Radio EP [2009], Index Of Spirits [2010]
[info]jd, varbūt tev ir ceturtais, 2011.gada?! Spriežot pēc dziesmas "A Corpse Of Trees", tur vispār jābūt ģeņiaļņikam.
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Epic45 - Weathering [Sep. 5th, 2011|06:45 pm]


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Epic45 - Weathering (2011)

01. People Say This Place Is Slowly Dying
02. The Village Is Asleep
03. Evening Silhouettes
04. With Our Backs To The City
05. Summer Message
06. Afternoon, Shadowed
07. The Weather Is Not Your Friend
08. These Walks Saved Us
09. Ghosts I Have Known
10. Weathering
11. Washed Up

116 Mb, 320 kbps
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