muzons - January 24th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 24th, 2011

CARUSELLA [Jan. 24th, 2011|09:50 am]



9.FEB. būšot Rīgā..

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St. Vincent - Actor (2009) [Jan. 24th, 2011|10:25 am]


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Amanda Palmer [Jan. 24th, 2011|11:13 am]

Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer(2008)

Amands Palmer - Amanda Palmer Goes Down Under(2011)
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[Jan. 24th, 2011|11:14 am]

nevaru vairs izturēt vienus un tos pašus CD mašīnā - varbūt kāds/-a var man palīdzēt un ieteikt kādus jaunus/labus/slavenus mūzikas albumus, ideālā gadījumā izlases. Kko no sērijas - Ministry, Motorhead, Slyer, Soulfly, MonsterMagnet ect. Tā kā šādu mūziku klausos tikai brīvprātīgā piespiedu kārtā...nezinu KO meklēt, simtpunkti, ka pati sarakstīšu neizdevušākos albumus utt.
Derēs jebkas līdzīgs, galvenais, lai ir citi CD un dziesmas savādākā kārtībā!
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Aix Em Klemm [Jan. 24th, 2011|11:54 am]


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[music |Aix Em Klemm]

Viens no labākajiem fona muzoniem, ko var klausīties arī tāpat... Stars Of The Lid un Labradford džeku kopdarbs.


 Aix Em Klemm
 Aix Em Klemm
catalog #:
formats available:
 CD / LP
Release Date:
 October 26, 2000

Collaboration between Bobby Donne of Labradford and Adam Wiltzie of Stars Of The Lid began as an exchange of music by mail and continued in two recording sessions at Wiltzie's Austin, TX studio, completed in May 2000.

These are songs. Stretched out at times, sometimes with fragmented pieces of song structure carefully placed inside. Present are slowly developing melodies that still manage to hook your ears. The guitar-based clouds of Stars Of The Lid are here, as well as the clanks of Bobby Donne's bass, augmented by a deft mixture of samples and keyboards. And Adam Wiltzie sings.


The Girl With The Flesh Colored Crayon
3X2 (Exit)
Prue Lewarne 
The Luxury of Dirt 
Sparkwood And Twentyone

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