muzons - September 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 15th, 2010

Hauschka – Foreign Landscapes (2010) [Sep. 15th, 2010|02:07 pm]


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Volker Bertelmann is a classically trained composer/pianist from Germany who currently resides in Düsseldorf. Having studied classical piano for ten years, his work as Hauschka is based upon a playful exploration of the possibilities of the ‘prepared’ piano - a disruptive intervention into the preconceived idea of the piano as a pure-toned instrument: by clamping wedges of leather , felt or rubber between the strings; preparing the hammers with aluminium paper or rough films; placing crown corks on the strings, weaving guitar strings around the piano’s guts, or pasting them down with gaffa tape - his resulting tracks are composed both originally and charmingly. The results are vivid, unconventional pieces made in a spirit of playful research-enthusiasm.

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Maximum Balloon – Maximum Balloon (2010) [Sep. 15th, 2010|02:21 pm]


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Andrew Sitek would be content enough if he were just one of the five guys in TV On The Radio. His role as guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer and sometimes beat-boxer for one of the world's most original bands, splitting time between the studio and an arduous tour schedule, has its obvious rewards. In a parallel life, Sitek would be equally content if he were just employed as a celebrated producer. Behind the boards, he's helped amplify the talents of critically-acclaimed and popular bands like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Liars, The Oh Sees and others; he produced Scarlett Johansson's album of Tom Waits covers and gave birth to the alluring sound of new singer, Holly Miranda.

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Ou Est Le Swimming Pool [Sep. 15th, 2010|09:27 pm]


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Pirmais un pēdējais albūms.

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Audio Bullys [Sep. 15th, 2010|09:33 pm]



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Mock & Toof - Tuning Echoes [Sep. 15th, 2010|09:36 pm]



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Hanzel und Gretyl: Uber Alles (2003) [Sep. 15th, 2010|09:42 pm]


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Un tagad kaut kas štengrāks sissijiem, kas nekad nav dzirdejuši par Ansīti un Grietiņu, bļe.

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