muzons - August 15th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 15th, 2010

jautājums [Aug. 15th, 2010|09:32 am]
Sveiki :)

Vai kāds varētu palīdzēt, vai kādam ir šīs grupas

The Mary Onettes

mūzika ko atsūtīt, vai torents kuru varētu iedot ,lai lejuplādētu.

Esmu tikusi tikai pie viena albumā The Mary Onettes .

Paldies, jau iepriekš.

p.s. esmu izguuglējusi un meklējusi, bet man nekas pretī nenāk.

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Röyksopp - Senior (2010) [Aug. 15th, 2010|03:52 pm]


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Senior is a forthcoming album from Norwegian duo Röyksopp, set for release on 13 September 2010. The album has been described as an introspective, withdrawn, atmospheric counterpart to energetic Junior. Röyksopp described the album as having an "autumn mood" to it, while Junior  had a "spring feel". In an interview with KCRW, Svein Berge likened Senior to "the senile sibling of Junior who lives in the attic." The Alcoholic has been described by the band as a "nostalgic idea based on this hobo who hitchhikes on trains and travels from place to place."

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Defiance, Ohio - Midwestern Minutes [Aug. 15th, 2010|09:52 pm]



Folkpanka apvienības Defiance, Ohio jaunākais veikums.
Velkam šite.
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