muzons - January 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 22nd, 2010

Peter Gabriel - Scratch My Back (2010) [Jan. 22nd, 2010|12:39 am]
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After a seven year hiatus, the legendary Peter Gabriel releases 'Scratch My Back' - a collection of classically orchestrated covers of material by acts such as Elbow, Lou Reed, Neil Young and David Bowie, amongst many other esteemed artists. Dubbed by Gabriel as a 'swap shop of songs' and produced by Bob Ezrin (Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper), this is a beautiful acoustic album, boasting nothing more than the accompaniment of lush strings and Gabriel's distinctive voice. Includes unique versions of 'Heroes', 'The Boy In The Bubble' and 'Waterloo Sunset'.

01 "Heroes" (David Bowie)
02 "The Boy in the Bubble" (Paul Simon)
03 "Mirrorball" (Elbow)
04 "Flume" (Bon Iver)
05 "Listening Wind" (Talking Heads)
06 "The Power of the Heart" (Lou Reed)
07 "My Body Is a Cage" (Arcade Fire)
08 "The Book of Love" (The Magnetic Fields)
09 "I Think It's Going to Rain Today" (Randy Newman)
10 "Après moi" (Regina Spektor)
11 "Philadelphia" (Neil Young)
12 "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" (Radiohead)
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[Jan. 22nd, 2010|04:54 pm]



Daudziem zināms, bet nu ja nu gadijumā nav, tad iepazīstaties, Lord quaz.
genre: hap hap.

  1. Welcome To Violence
  2. Bad Character
  3. Microphone Mathematics
  4. Basic Instinct
  5. Goodmorning Sunshine
  6. Discipline 99 Pt. 0
  7. Low Class Conspiracy
  8. Return Of The Loop Digga
  9. Real Eyes
  10. Come On Feet
  11. Bluffin
  12. Boom Music
  13. MHB's
  14. Put A Curse On You
  15. Astro Black
  16. Green Power
  17. Jazz Cats Pt. 2
  18. 24-7
  19. The Unseen
  20. Phony Game
  21. Astro Travelin
  22. Blitz
  23. Axe Puzzles
  24. Discipline 99 Pt. 1

This is the solo debut from Madlib's (Madvillain, Lootpack) alter ego Quasimoto off the underground label Stones Throw (MF DOOM, Oh No, Lootpack, Peanut Butter Wolf, etc.). This is one of my all-time favorite albums, and one ofthe best produced albums ever made. It may be a little hard for some people new to the underground to get into. But once you get used to it, I guarantee you'll end up loving this album as much as I do. If you don't like it on the first listen, give it a few more chances, and it will grow on you like crazy. Enjoy.

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