muzons - January 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 16th, 2010

Dzena Trakie EP [2010] [Jan. 16th, 2010|01:29 am]



Ja kas, Dzena Trakie ir muzikāli filozofisks grupējums. Pārtiek viņi no brīvības, gaisa, dabas & tās produktiem. Skaņu valstībā arī no Brian Jonestown Massacre, Velvet Underground, autsaideru mūzikas & klusuma. Dzīvo ar indiāņu gariem, Latvijas enerģētiku, bītņiku dvēselēm & pasaules vajāto zvēru saucieniem.

Ieraksts veikts pamestā namā pie Gaujas; daļa arī mežmalā uzceltā lapenītē. Skaņu nospiedumus atstāja gan pāris autsaideru rokenrola dresētāji, gan meitene no baznīcas kora, kultūrsnama grupas basists, indī panku bundzinieks & vairākas nemateriālas būtnes.

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COIL "The Wheel / The Wheal / Keelhauler" 7"EP [Threshold House / Normal /] [Jan. 16th, 2010|06:38 am]
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[music |Coil/The New Blockaders/Vortex Campaign "Untitled Colaborat"]

COIL "The Wheel / The Wheal / Keelhauler" 7"EP [Threshold House / Normal /]

Lūk arī viss... šī bonus singla noslēgums, kā arī Coil 80-to gadu seriālu noslēgums (varbūt ar 1 izņēmumu), utt. OK, nākamie 2 ieraksti ar vēl tā kā būs 1990.gadā izlaisti, bet tie (vism,az viens) ir singli 1991.gada acid house ritmos ieturētam albumam, tā kā var teikt ka ar šo postu noslēdzas pirmā no trijām Coil ērām (citi teiks - tā noslēdzas ar nākamo postu, un arī viņiem būs taisnība)

Lai nu kā. Šoreiz:

1) 1987.gadā ierakstītais (vismaz A puse) bet 1990.gadā vācu kompānijā normal izdotais singls (tikai kopā ar pirmajām GITM kopijām, bet COIL katalogā tas parādās kā atsevišķa vienība) - "The Wheal / Keelhauler" 7" [Normal 77]

2) 1996.gadā izdotās "skapī atrastās" pēdējās 23 kopijas no šī singla (gan nez kapēc pirmās puses skaņdarbs ir atšķirīgs) - "The Wheel / Keelhauler" 7"EP (šī ir kopija no 19 kopijas, kas tika Džonam Vitnijam no, kurš tur arī ir izveidojis vienu no vairākām COIL lapām I-netā).

Katra ir savā folderā, bet viss ir zem pirmā foto.

Photobucket Photobucket
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Coffee Project - Easy Does It (2009) [Jan. 16th, 2010|12:18 pm]

Original Release Date: May 26, 2009
Label: R.E.D. Distribution

Track List:
1. You Always Wanted A Song, Right?
2. AM/PM
3. Start
4. Virginia
5. Battle Scars
6. The Lies We Live
7. The Whole Picture
8. Singularity

For Buddy Schaub and Jake Crown, starting Coffee Project came together naturally. Hailing from Gainesville, FL, Buddy and Jake Started writing songs on acoustic guitars while hanging out on the back porch when they had time (Buddy plays full time in Less Than Jake, and Jake is a full time student who also plays in Rehasher, and Hometeam). What started as a way to just exchange song ideas in the afternoon progressed into Buddy's home studio, resulting in 10 demoed ideas ranging from full band punk rock to acoustic songs with an occasional trombone melody thrown in. After doing this on and off for over a year the duo decided it would be fun to play some shows around Gainesville.
Realizing the only way to do this as a two piece was to stick to the acoustic songs, they found that a couple of acoustic guitars and a trombone was all they really needed and have now settled on this format.
Coffee Project s songs are honest and loyal to the guys who wrote them. Break ups, confusion, hope, stress, broken hearts, and rebuilding fueled enough songs for a 10 inch record for Paper + Plastick Records that comes out on Halloween. Look for some upbeat catchy melodies and lyrics that hit home to anyone that has ever lived in a college town. Throw in a few fiddle parts contributed by Jon Gaunt who played on Chuck Ragan s solo project and some tasty harmonies from Heather Tabor of Teen Idols and Bullets To
Broadway and this first release by the Coffee Project is sure to please.

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