muzons - October 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 1st, 2009

múm - Sing Along to Songs You Don't Know (2009) [Oct. 1st, 2009|04:03 pm]
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[music |you. are. so. beautiful. to. us.]

múm is an experimental pop group from Iceland whose music is characterized by soft vocals, eccentric beats and colorful effects, and a variety of traditional and unconventional instruments.

1. If I Were A Fish
2. Sing Along
3. Prophecies And Reversed Memories
4. A River Don't Stop To Breathe
5. The Smell Of Today Is Sweet Like Breast Milk In The Wind
6. Show Me
7. Húllabbalabbalúú
8. Blow Your Nose
9. Kay-Ray-Kú-Kú-Kó-Kex
10. The Last Shapes Of Never
11. Illuminated
12. Ladies Of The New Century
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