Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - sirreālais satiek hiperreālo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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sirreālais satiek hiperreālo [May. 26th, 2009|12:34 am]
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[Current Mood |funny]
[Current Music |claude debussy - etudes pour piano - 5]

- hey, sof, just listen to this:

* bet ja nu mēs vienkārši esam miruši?
- nevajag celt paniku. miroņi nesēž čatā.
* tas vēl ir jāpierāda..

- huh? what was THAT about?
- just a book i'm reading.
- c'mon! what a bizarre books are you picking! wasn't it enough to read that 'story of a crazy mind reader with and all the stories he'd read and all the thoughts he made of them'?
- neah, that was spectacular, but not enough! i thought you liked it, though..
- i did, but i'm kinda worried about YOUR brain.
- oh. i see. well don't worry. i just thought as far as it goes i could have some more fun.
- well. be careful then, i guess. don't pull it too far!
- sure, sure. i know, my life is just so much fun, that it will be the death of me.
- pšš. you know i hate you talking such nonsense.
- nonsense?!
- what else?
- just look and think clearly: everyone dies because of their lives..
- huh?
- don't you see.. we die, because we've lived. if we haven't lived though..
- what?
- .. we wouldn't have to die. only alive person can die. or maybe we live [you know, really live] because we die.
- i've lost you here.
- oh, stop it! we live as fully as we can, because we know we gonna die some day. we understand life is temporary.. so we take risks..
- oh, don't get all fuzzy about this life vs death crap again..
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