Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - at my therapist's [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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at my therapist's [Sep. 30th, 2010|09:17 pm]
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[Current Mood |hā-mūd]
[Current Music |hans zimmer - dream is collapsing]

- i've been having the same dream.
- mhm?
- well. in the dream i am a beautiful bird in a cage, and i'm just raving to get out.
- mhm. that's it?
- no. you see - i am a marvelously beautiful bird with huge powerfull wings, sharp eyes.. it's like there's all that potential to be free and fly and be admired, and instead i'm doing nothing in my captivity.. what do you think it could mean?
- i think it means that you're concieted, proud and selfposessed.
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