Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - February 28th, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 28th, 2017

great [Feb. 28th, 2017|06:32 pm]
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[Current Mood |headache]
[Current Music |radiotev.lv]

- mums biežāk jāfilmē šādi mini video.
- kāpēc?
- jo ja mēs nomirsim, cilvēkiem būs kā mūs atcerēties.
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I think - I should get that MRI done [Feb. 28th, 2017|09:21 pm]
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that feeling when pain killers kick in, is the best thing in the world.

šodien aizdomājos par to, kā es uzvestos, ja būtu dzīvnieks.. jo jau tā uzvedos ļoti weird, like head pressing against a wall, or floor. or curling up and making those weird wining noises, crying, showing tachypnea and mouth-breathing.. And me being human, all I was trying to do - was not to move.. just lie very still, and put cold things on my neck. But there was that inevitable vomitus.. even with an empty stomach, so after that I just gave up and took the NSAID's. And that is heaven, even it kills my liver, before alcohol does.
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tēlainie salīdzinājumi [Feb. 28th, 2017|10:26 pm]
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"... but just then Julia drops a glob of ice cream in her hair and shoots up on the roundabout yelling 'Fuck!', and by the time she's got a tissue of Becca and borrowed Selena's water bottle to wet it and cleaned the sticky off her hair, bitching the whole time () about how she looks like she gave a blowjob to someone with bad aim, ..."

/Tana French "The Secret Place"/

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