Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - May 6th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 6th, 2012

words [May. 6th, 2012|01:04 am]
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i would like to ever love someone as much as i love my dog..
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wishes [May. 6th, 2012|06:55 pm]
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ļoti gribas uzgleznot kapsētu pavasara rītā..
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men - continued [May. 6th, 2012|09:00 pm]
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a definite to-see
1) The Dark Knight Rises [2012]

1) This Means War [2012]
2) Warrior [2011]
3) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy [2011]
4) Inception [2010]
5) Wuthering Heights [2009]
6) RocknRolla [2008]
7) Scenes of a Sexual Nature [2006]
8) Marie Antoinette [2006]
9) Gideon's Daughter [2005]
10) Layer Cake [2004]

1) Lawless [2012]
2) Thick as Thieves [2009]
3) Bronson [2008]
4) Sucker Punch [2008]
5) The Inheritance [2007]
6) Stuart: A Life Backwards [2007]
7) The Killing Gene [2007]
8) Flood [2007]
9) A for Andromeda [2006]
10) Minotaur [2006]
11) Sweeney Todd [2006]
12) Colditz [2005]
13) EMR [2004]
14) LD 50 Lethal Dose [2003]
15) Dot the I [2003]
16) The Reckoning [2003]
17) Star Trek: Nemesis [2002]
18) Deserter [2002]
19) Black Hawk Down [2001] -> vai kāds, kas nav šajā filmā?
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