Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - epifānija ar kodu LBN 201-07 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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epifānija ar kodu LBN 201-07 [Jan. 13th, 2010|01:06 pm]
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[Current Mood |nopūta]
[Current Music |voltaire - zombie prostitute]

- spoguļi mani biedē. es tur redzu visādus briesmoņus.
- zombijus.
- jā, vienu zombiju.
- 'She's a rotten kind'a cute for a Zombie Prostitute.'
- sūper. paldies.
- you're welcome.
- actually i'm more likely to be a zombie virgin.
- yeah. but you look sick and tired as a whore.
- hours of practice :P
- do you know what edward said about you?
- you've seen him?
- yeah, he dropped by whilst you were away.
- kūl. what did he say?
- 'i've seen corpses with better color.'
- wõnderful.
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