30 Oktobris 2010 @ 12:25
Šodien pārtijs! :D
Šorīt esmu ļoti naska. Biju jau aizgājusi līdz veikalam un iepirkusi junk food, kā arī jaunos Actimel, kuru pēdējā laika cena ir tikai 0,14. Impressive, huh?
Tagad gan dodos cept picu.

30 Oktobris 2010 @ 14:42
"That’s something I’ve learned the hard way. People will always let you down. People always ask me why I’m such a loner and I answer “I don’t like people, you can’t trust anyone” Yeah, call me whatever you want. I rather be alone than get hurt by someone who I thought was my “friend” no such thing to me. I don’t think I can trust people, before I trusted anyone so easily it wasn’t even funny. I thought everyone had a good heart and knew how to keep secrets. Now I don’t like getting close to anyone, I don’t like talking about my personal life with people. I don’t brag about what I have and I don’t say the exciting things I will do. I’m a big believer in “MAL DE OJO” or “EVIL EYE” and I’ve learned people will always envy when something good happens to you or you’re being successful."

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