Afīna Kedavra
26 January 2010 @ 10:59 am
it kā tā kā mazliet tjipa snieg  
Mamma mani vakar pārsteidza, pieprasot informāciju par kosmētikas lietām. Nē, nu, labi, esmu es mazlietiņ into it, yeah, bet ka man šitā jau spec prasa, pašai pārsteigums. Bet tā mana "pēdējā pieeja" esot baigi laba, redz. Mamma arī tā gribot, lūk. Which means, ka man būs jāiet ar viņu uz drogveikalu un jāpiemeklē viņai pūderis, tonālais un tādas lietas. Tas būs diezgan incants pasākums [ņemot vēl vērā cik ilgi man pašai gāja, līdz es atradu kaut ko, kas tiešām atbilst manai ādai... nu, man vismaz liekas, ka atbilst, LOL]. Bet te es arī lieku lielas cerības uz mammas profesionālo spēku pašai noteikti savu toni.

Kopumā, visa doma -- cik tālu esmu aizgājusi ar savu "kosmētika, kosmētika, smuki smuki, bububu"; beidzot es kaut ko daru pareizi, hah!
Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: Bear McCreary - Black Market
Afīna Kedavra
26 January 2010 @ 10:14 am
Es sāku pierakstīt ko ēdu.
Pagaidām vienīgais secinājums (pēc vienas dienas) -- es ļoti daudz dzeru ūdeni... kas ir yay! un kafiju. So here goes -- es atzīstos, es esmu atkarīgā, bet, kā zināms, sleep is a symptom of coffee deprivation.
Current Mood: blah
Current Music: In Flames - Disconnected
Afīna Kedavra
22 January 2010 @ 07:20 pm
I come from a land of ice & snow...  
Pēdējās trīs dienas I make a point to walk for roughly 2h.
Rezultāti? Pāris pieciešamas foti-bildes, mazliet pārgurums un diez gan izteikti nosalis ķermenis un gars.
Biju pie jūras, tur bija smuki. Šodien vispār debesis dega.
Liepājā ir vientuļi.
Current Mood: drained
Current Music: In Flames - Alias
Afīna Kedavra
20 January 2010 @ 06:19 pm
tagad man būs pieredze ar antidepresantiem & trankvilizatoriem. Wii!
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Lil Wayne - I'm Not Human
Afīna Kedavra
20 January 2010 @ 12:49 pm
šodien visu rīta cēlienu ganījos pa pilsētu.
vienā brīdī secināju, ka esmu pārsalusi. pusceļā uz mājām nolēmu, ka heartstone būtu ellīgi labs IRL objekts, jo, nu...
ir auksts un vēl tik tālu jāiet. muahaha. un man joprojām ir auksts.
Afīna Kedavra
16 January 2010 @ 11:06 pm
Blizz mani nobloķēja, muahahaha.
Kas ir vissmieklīgākais, par kaut kādu PvP/Battleground policies pārkāpšanu. Jēzus. Es tak neko tādu nedarīju. Vnk spēlēju, cik labi vien mācēju.
Uzjautrina arī tas fakts, ka es līdz šim esmu bijusi baigais PvE geimeris. PvP vispār nesaistīja, baigi patika questus pildīt un tādas lietas. Komiski. Vienīgi tagad nav ko darīt un esmu atstāta viena ar savām melnajām domiņām, lala.
Current Mood: crappy
Current Music: In Flames - Take This Life
Afīna Kedavra
13 January 2010 @ 06:15 am

Your result for The RPG Class Test...


56% Combativeness, 40% Sneakiness, 71% Intellect, 44% Spirituality

Aggressive, but with the brains to back it up: You are a Spellsword!

Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't.

Spellswords combine arcane might with combat know-how. They're much tougher than mages, like to wear armor, and can cast spells through their weapons. They're very, very, good at doing lots of damage to a single target very quickly, and while not quite as tough as most fighters, are still pretty hard to kill.

You're both smart and aggressive, which means that you're probably pretty dangerous when pissed off. You also tend to be somewhat straightforward, which is nice, and don't have much use for spirituality or mysticism.

Take The RPG Class Test at OkCupid

Afīna Kedavra
12 January 2010 @ 10:25 pm
es laikam esmu slikts cilvēks, ja jau rēcu piecos līkumos izliekusies par House, kad šis sita to nabaga trako cilvēciņu... vai arī man ir ļoti deformēta humora izjūta.
Anyways, House 6-ā sezona ir lieliska, vajadzēja sākt skatīties ātrāk.
Afīna Kedavra
12 January 2010 @ 09:44 pm

Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test...

Tri-Lamb Material

65 % Nerd, 48% Geek, 57% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd and Dork, earning you the coveted title of: Tri-Lamb Material.

The classic, "80's" nerd, you are what most people think of when they think "nerd," largely due to 80's movies like Revenge of the Nerds and TV shows like Head of the Class. You're exceptionally bright and smart, and partly because of that have never quite fit in with your peers or social groups. Perhaps you've realized, or will someday, that it is possible to retain all of the things that you like about being brilliant and still make peace with the social cliques around you. Or maybe you won't--it's really not necessary. As the brothers of Lambda Lambda Lambda discovered, you're fine just the way you are and can take pride in that. I mean, who wants to be like Ogre, right!?


Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Professional Wrestling

Love & Sexuality


Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST

Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test at OkCupid

Afīna Kedavra
03 January 2010 @ 02:29 pm
necieši izmantotās literatūras sarakstus viedos *bēdīgs*