falter ego ([info]shiry) wrote on December 17th, 2007 at 11:43 pm
Man tagad būtu jādara kaut kas cits, es to ļoti labi apzinos, bet Spaidermena Trešā parodija ir too good to pass up.

GOO: Well, now I’ve read all Peter’s comics and eaten all the cheese in his fridge, I’m kind of at a loose end.
PETER: *sleeps*
GOO: I guess I could possess Peter.
PETER: *sleeps*
GOO: I really wish Peter had a TV.
PETER: *sleeps*
GOO: Okay, possession time!

POLICE CHIEF: So remember how we told you that the killer of Ben Parker was identified and dead?
POLICE CHIEF: Uh, just kidding.
PETER: What the hell? How long have you known this?
POLICE CHIEF: Who’s counting?
PETER: What just happened?
AUNT MAY: Peter dear, I believe the chief of police Punk’d us.
AUNT MAY: Also the killer of your uncle is still on the loose. Tea?

EDDIE: Dear God, please kill Peter Parker.
CHRIST ON THE CROSS: I’m sorry, did someone put up a sign outside the church saying ‘Jesus Christ: Assassin for Hire’?

PETER: Harry, come help me save M.J.!
HARRY (face now disfigured by all the acid): Peter, I have three words for you. My face!
PETER: That’s only two words…
HARRY: My beautiful face!
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