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| January 11th, 2009 - 03:35 pm |
questions raised: how did the Egyptian Gods un Demons set up and activate an elaborate bureaucracy governing and controlling immortality and assinging it, on arbitrary grounds, to a chosen few? the fact that few could qualify is evidence that there was something to qualify for.
limited and precarious immortality actually existed. for this reason no one challenged the system. they wanted to become Gods themselves, under existing conditions. in other words, they prostrated themselves bofore the Pharaoh and the Gods that he prepresented and partook of...
then come the one-God religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, promising immortality to everyone simply for obeying a few simple rules. Just prey, and you can't go astray. pray and believe - believe an obvious lie, and pray to a shameless swindler.
immortality is purpose and function. obviously, few can qualify. and does this Christian God stand with his worshippers? he does not. like a cowardly officer, he keeps himself well out of the war zone, bathed in the sniveling prayers of his groveling, shit-eating worshippers - his dogs.
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