Kad viens pats mājās (zirgs?) |
2015-11-03|23:39 |
Alojos, drauglistes tāluma ierobežojums ir dziļāk par S2, LiveJournal Perl iekšās -
$LJ::MAX_FRIENDS_VIEW_AGE Sets how far back somebody can go on a user's Friends page, including their own. The default value is two weeks. That is, entries posted more than two weeks ago will not appear on anybody's Friends page, even if they are the most recent entries in that user's journal. See also $LJ::MAX_SCROLLBACK_FRIENDS. Default: $LJ::MAX_SCROLLBACK_FRIENDS Sets how far back somebody can go on a user's Friends page. That is, how far you can skip back with the ?skip= URL argument. A higher value can significantly affect the speed of the installation. Default: $LJ::MAX_SCROLLBACK_LASTN The recent items (lastn view)'s max scrollback depth. That is, how far you can skip back with the ?skip= URL argument. Defaults to 100. After that, the 'previous' links go to day views, which are stable URLs. ?skip= URLs aren't stable, and there are inefficiencies making this value too large, so you're advised to not go too far above the default of 100. Default: (no http://www.livejournal.com/doc/server/lj.install.ljconfig.vars.html)
Tātad 2 nedēļas vai 1000 puksti, kurš pienāk drīzāk. Tas, kas man likās, ka ir 200, patiesībā defaultā ir 100 puksti pašam savā cibā, bet tad iznāk, ka kāds nomainījis uz 300? http://klab.lv/users/phz/?skip=280 |