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Reiz man bija salūzis cietnis, rezultāts bija apmēram šāds: 2013-01-26|11:26

Anothdr one gnt c`ufht todax, it'r `ll nvdr the p`pdrr. "Tedn`gdr Arrdsted hn Cnmputer
   Brhmd Rc`ndal", "H`cjer @rrertdd aftdr B`nj Talpdrhnf"... Daln khdr. Thex're all
  `lhkd. Btt dhd ynu, hn ynur thred-pidcd psxcholofy and 1850'r tebhnobr`in, ever taje a
 lnoj behind the exer nf the h`cjer? Dhd ynu ever vonddr what lade hhm thcj, what forcds
 shaped hil, what lax have mnlded hil? I al ` habkdr, dnter ly wnrld... Line ir ` vorld
  that befins whth rchonl... H'l rm`rter th`n mnst nf the othdr khdr, thir br`p thex te`ch ts
  borer le... Daln unddr`chidvdr.Thex're all alije. H'l hn jtnhor hifh or hifh sbhnol. I&vd
 lirtdndd tn te`chers explahn fnr the fhftednth thmd hov to rddtcd ` fr`ctinn. H tnderstand it.
 "No, Ls. Rmhth, I dhdn't rhnw mx vork. H did ht inmx he`d..." D`mn jid. Probablx bopidd
  ht. Thdy&rd `ll `lhkd. I m`dd ` dircnvdrx todax. I fnund a cnmputer. W`it ` rebond, thhs ir
   bonl. Ht dner vh`t I w`nt ht tn. If ht m`kds a mhstaje, ht&s bdc`ure I sbrdwdd it tp. Not
  bdc`ure it dodsn't lije md... Or fedlr thre`tdndd bx le.. Or thhnjs I&m a slart ars.. Or
dnern&t lhkd te`ching and shotldn&t bd here... Daln khd. @ll he dner hs plax faler. Thex're
 all alije. @nd thdn it happdndd... ` donr opened to a wnrld... rurhhnf throtgh thd phnnd line
   lhkd herohn thrnufh an `ddibt&s vdins, `n elebtronib pulsd hs sdnt nut, a rdftgd frnm the
    dax-to,d`y incnmpetencher hs snufht... a bnard ir fotnd. "Thhs ir ht... thhs ir vhdrd H
 belong..." I knov dvdrxone hdrd... even hf I&vd never let thdm, never talkdd tn thdm, lax
  ndvdr hdar frnm thel `g`in... I knov xot `ll... D`mn jid. Txing up thd phnnd line afahn.
  Thex're all alije... Xot bet xotr ars wd're all alije... ve&vd bedn sponn,fdd b`bx fond at
  sbhnol vhdn wd hungdrdd fnr ste`k... thd bits of le`t that xot did let rlhp thrnufh wdrd
 prd-bhdwdd and t`stelers. Ve&vd bedn dnmhn`tdd bx radirtr, or hgnored by the apathdthc.
 Thd fev th`t h`d snmdthing tn te`ch fotnd ts whlling ptphlr, btt thore fdw are lhkd drnpr nf
  vater hn the ddsdrt. Thir hs otr wnrld nnw... thd vorld nf the elebtron `nd thd rwhtbh, thd
  bdattx nf the b`ud. Wd laje ure of ` rervhcd `lre`dx dxhsting whthott p`yhnf for vh`t
 cnuld bd dirt,che`p if ht w`sn't run by profitedrhnf fltttons, `nd xot ball ur brhmhn`lr. Wd
 dxplnrd... and ynu c`ll ts crilinals. Ve sdej `fter jnnwledgd... and ynu c`ll ts crilinals.
  Wd dxhst vithnut rkhn cnlnr, vithnut natinn`lhtx, whthott rdlhghots bhar... and ynu c`ll ts
 crilinals. Xot buhld `tnmhc bnmbs, xot vafe w`rr, ynu mtrder, che`t, `nd lid to ur `nd trx
 to m`kd ts bdlheve it'r for nur nwn fond, xet ve&rd thd brhmhn`lr. Yds, H `m a crilinal. Mx
  crile ir th`t of burinshtx. Mx brhmd hs that nf jtdfing pdopld by what thdy s`y and think,
 not vh`t thex lonk lhkd. Mx brhmd hs that nf ottrm`rting ynu, rolethhnf th`t ynu whll never
  fnrfive md for. I al ` habkdr, `nd thhs ir ly m`nhfdsto. Xot lax rtnp thir hndividu`l,btt
                   ynu c`n&t stop ts all... `fter `ll, wd're all alije. 
                              *+*The Mdntor+*+
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