Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
**Anais Nin
No matter what might be happening in your life right now, take a
deep breath, relax and let your thoughts be still.
Just as darkness gives way to dawn, so does despair create a new beginning.
Never allow yourself to forget that it is from the darkest moment of the
night that each new sunrise is born.
Whatever you do, you need courage.
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong.
There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right.
To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs.
Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
**Ralph Waldo Emerson
In humility is the greatest freedom.
As long as you have to defend the imaginary self
that you think is important, you lose your peace of heart.
As soon as you compare that shadow
with the shadows of other people, you lose all joy,
because you have begun to trade in unrealities
and there is no joy in things that do not exist.
thomas merton
I would never trust a man who has not a great women taking care of him!
- Hanin Elias
Men who confronted their personal problems in their twenties were less likely to die of a premature heart attack than those who didn't.
"Sire Kris, all of your present life karmas are established in your first seven years by your human experience. These are what you must then work out during your life. You do not have a conscious mind as a child until around the age of six and a half or seven. You're subconscious and you're open. You're closer to your divinity, but you're open so that all of reality comes crashing in on you. Then you spend the rest of your life working it out. That is why psychology, or the study of the mind, goes back to those early ages. The reason that children pick up so much is because everything goes straight into the subconscious. Now you're so proud of your child when they can read at three. Well, if they're reading at three they're taking up far too much time away from their imagination. Don't push the intellect upon them. It will establish itself soon enough. Let them play." Counsel of Light
Jonathan wrote the following for his wife, Sara, a few years before his long trip around the world…on the occasion of her 42nd birthday, November 10, 1930…
Preserve sacredly the privacies of your own house, your married state, and your own heart.
Let no father or mother or sister or brother ever presume to come between you or share the joys or sorrows that belong to you two alone.
With mutual help build your quiet world, not allowing your dearest earthly friend to be the confidant of aught [anything] that concerns your domestic peace.
Let moments of alienation, if they occur, be healed at once. Never, no never, speak of it outside; but to each other confess and all will be right. Never let the morrow’s sun still find you at variance.
Renew, and renew your vow. It will do you good; and thereby your minds will grow together contented in that love which is stronger than death, and you will be truly one.
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