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Posted on 2011.06.17 at 11:33Doom: Rīga
Mūza: This Morn' Omina

Urbain Grandier was a French Catholic priest who was burned at the stake after being convicted of witchcraft, following the events of the so-called Loudun Possessions. One of the documents introduced as evidence during Grandier’s second trial is a diabolical pact written in Latin and apparently signed by Grandier. Another, which looks illegible, is written backwards, in Latin with scribal abbreviation, and has since been published and translated in a number of books on witchcraft. This document also carries many strange symbols, and was “signed” by several demons with their seals, as well as by Satan himself (a signature clearly reads Satanas). Deciphered and translated to English, it reads:
We, the influential Lucifer, the young Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi, and Astaroth, together with others, have today accepted the covenant pact of Urbain Grandier, who is ours.
And him do we promise the love of women, the flower of virgins, the respect of monarchs, honors, lusts and powers. He will go whoring three days long; the carousal will be dear to him. He offers us once in the year a seal of blood, under the feet he will trample the holy things of the church and he will ask us many questions; with this pact he will live twenty years happy on the earth of men, and will later join us to sin against God.
Bound in hell, in the council of demons.
Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan, Astaroth, Leviathan, Elimi
(The seals placed the Devil, the master, and the demons, princes of the lord. Baalberith, writer).