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I Love Modern Art Too
Posted on 2011.01.14 at 00:11Doom: What
Mūza: Lifelover
O, te būs mana atbilde uz veģetāriešu melnajām apenēm:

Nē, tās cūkas nav beigtas, vienkārši piedzērušās.
upd. atradu kaut kāda mācītāja citātu, kas visprecīzāk atspoguļo manu nostāju:
The whole of nature, as has been said, is a conjugation of the verb to eat, in the active and in the passive.
~William Ralph Inge
( ... tālāk ... )
Par meitenēm
Posted on 2011.01.14 at 14:44Doom: Ēst
Mūza: CocoRosie
Ja es šo žurnālu uztvertu nopietni, es pārdzīvotu, ka tajā ir tik maz tekstu – vienas bildes. Taču es zinu, ka vairumā gadījumu tas materializējas tikai kā epizodisks kāda draugu lentas elements, tāpēc nemaz nepārdzīvoju. Tomēr apsveru iespēju ar atpakaļejošu datumu te bīdīt iekšā, es nezinu, kaut kādus citātus vai, jo tīri estētiski prasās vairāk burtiņu, bet pašam tā īsti rakstīt neko negribas – ja gribas, tad ne vairāk kā pāris teikumus, ar ko, manuprāt, arī pilnīgi pietiek, lai fiksētu domu. Bet ar to ir par maz, lai radītu nopietna žurnāla iespaidu. Vēl varētu kaut ko tā viltīgi kombinēt, varbūt sanāktu. Piemēram, par meitenēm:
1. “I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty... you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are.”
~J.D. Salinger
2. Paskatījos Suicide Girls cīņukluba inscinējumu. Vispār nesmuki :/ (es pat nelikšu linku, bet vimeo ir)
3. Trīs (četras) lietas, kas manās acīs izdaiļo jebkuru meiteni - bizes, vainags, svārki... un smaids, protams :)
Eh, laikam nē, pārāk daudz atstarpju, man vajag vienu lielu teksta blāķi, kuru neviens nelasītu.
Es pats esmu visu lietu mēris.
Posted on 2011.01.14 at 16:37Doom: Dibenā
Mūza: Bal-Sagoth
Kam vēl neesmu rādījis... Tas ir pa īstam, ja. Puslodes visu izskaidro!

Rumpology or “bottom reading” is a pseudoscience performed by reading the lines, crevices, dimples, warts, moles and folds of a person’s buttocks in much the same way a chirologist would read the palm of the hand.
The American astrologer Jackie Stallone claims that rumpology is known to have been practiced in ancient times by the Babylonians, the Indians, and the Ancient Greeks and Romans, although she provides no evidence for this claim. Stallone has been largely responsible for the supposed “revival” of rumpology in modern times.
Rumpologists have a variety of theories as to the meaning of different posterior characteristics. According to Stallone, the left and right buttocks reveal a person’s past and future, respectively, although she has also commented that “The crack of your behind corresponds to the division of the two hemispheres of the brain”. According to blind German clairvoyant and rumpologist Ulf Beck, “an apple-shaped, muscular bottom indicates someone who is charismatic, dynamic, very confident and often creative. A person who enjoys life. A pear-shaped bottom suggests someone very steadfast, patient and down-to-earth.” The British rumpologist Sam Amos also uses shape to diagnose personality, and claims that “A round bottom indicates the person is open, happy and optimistic in life. However, a flat bottom suggests the person is rather vain and is negative and sad.”
Rumpology can be performed either by sight, touch or by using buttock prints. In addition to live readings, Jackie Stallone will perform buttock readings using e-mailed digital photographs, and has claimed to predict the outcome of Presidential elections and Oscar awards by reading the bottoms of her two pet Doberman Pinschers. Ulf Buck claims he can read people’s futures by feeling their naked buttocks.