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Posted on 2010.06.19 at 16:44Doom: Mental #111
Mūza: Silence & Strength
I remember glimpses from about seven different lives, and I remember the "souls" who were in the bodies of several people I encountered, including my son, my dad, my ex husband, a doctor, a couple of friends and there are more. I see their forms in that life, but I know who they are in this life at the same time. There has been a lot of sense to my experiences in remembering them when I did. I went through a phase when I recalled a LOT of past life experiences all over the planet. I wasn't anyone famous or noteworth. I was a "good" person in some, and very "bad" in others. I was a warrior in the 13th century in England killed in battle near Mont Saint Michele, an Indian concubine, a slave shot in the back by my owner, a northern African child who died by the age of five, a sailor on a Spanish galleon ship who drowned while trying to save my brother who fell into the ocean (that brother in this life is my son, who ironically taught himself to hold his breath under water in the tub at the tender age of 3)... My most vivid recall is as a priest in Germany. I was killed at least twice by the soul who happened to be my husband in this life (once in battle, the other thrown to lion in the Colloseum in Rome)...