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Maija Bēres
Posted on 2010.06.01 at 00:05Doom: Sēnes
Mūza: Oorchach
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Alnwick Poison Gardens
Posted on 2010.06.01 at 01:39Doom: Ānujā, tad kād spamz un atā
Mūza: The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble

Inspired by the Botanical Gardens in Padua, Italy (the first botanical garden which was created to grow medicinal and poisonous plants in the 1500s), the Alnwick Poison Garden is a garden devoted entirely to plants that can kill. It features many plants grown unwittingly in back gardens, and those that grow in the British countryside, as well as many more unusual varieties. Flame-shaped beds contain belladonna, tobacco and mandrake. The Alnwick Garden has a Home Office license to grow some very special plants; namely, cannabis and coca which are found behind bars in giant cages – for obvious reasons.
Baalstorm, Sing Omega
Posted on 2010.06.01 at 18:25Doom: Omega
Mūza: Othila
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