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Cold Moon Rising

Posted by [info]nefolk on 2010.12.20 at 00:00

In Native American myth and folklore the full moon of each month is given a name.
There are many variations, but the following list gives the most widely known my favourite names:

January – Wolf moon
February – Ice moon
March – Worm moon
April – Grass moon
May – Hare moon
June – Flower moon
July – Hay moon
August – Corn moon
September – Harvest moon
October – Hunter's moon
November – Beaver moon
December – Cold moon

Jo ir varianti...

January: Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Hunger Moon, Ice Moon, Moon After Yule; February: Snow Moon, Ice Moon, Wolf Moon, Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, Candles Moon; March: Storm Moon, Worm Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Wind Moon, Sap Moon, Crust Moon, Sugar Moon, Chaste Moon, Death Moon; April: Pink Moon, Egg Moon, Rain Moon, Grass Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Growing Moon, Waking Moon, Wind Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon; May: Hare Moon, Flower Moon, Planting Moon, Milk Moon, Corn Moon, Corn Planting Moon; June: Flower Moon, Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Planting Moon, Mead Moon, Hot Moon; July: Hay Moon, Buck Moon, Deer Moon, Thunder Moon, Mead Moon; August: Corn Moon, Grain Moon, Fruit Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Barley Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Lightning Moon, Dog Moon; September: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Gypsy Moon; October: Hunter's Moon, Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon; November: Beaver moon, Hunter's Moon, Snow Moon, Frosty Moon; December: Cold Moon, Frost Moon, Winter Moon, Oak Moon, Long Night Moon, Moon Before Yule.


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