Kaut kad nupat piespamoju visu trulmetāla-blekmetāla tēmu ar Hekati, bet šorīt atcerējos par šo soft/corporeal version of. Atari Teenage Riot kāda/s zin/atcerās? To meiteni, kas tik jūsmīgi kliedza I'm sick to the death like I've never been sick before! un Destroy 2000 years of Culture!? Kaut kā ar to Imperiālo Alekseju viņas ceļi pašķīrās un Fatal Recordings tapa par viņas pašas marku...
Eh, nu, īsumā - viņas vārds ir Hanin Elias, un pēc ATR bija vēl 3 soloalbuumi, pirms viņa galēji izvācās no Deutschland (has got to die!) uz savu (laikam) dzimto pranču Polinēziju. Vislabākais (gan jau, ka pateicoties producentam - kaut kad skatījos arī tā webu, bija pat 2 remiksus sacepis NIN Survaivālismam - vietām gan vokāls bik neprofesionāli ietjūnots, bet tas tā, sirsnīgi vismaz) noteikti bija pēdējais: Future Noir (4002), bezmazvai katra dziesma - hīts, tikai LV gōtu tusos laikam tādus likt būtu par skarbu... Gribat paklausīties? Lūdzu!
Nez, digital hardcore tas laikam jau ka vairs nav, jo uz to tm ir Aleksim. Riot grrrl? Vvz. Laikam :) Ehhehehe, nu man jau imponē (tīri platoniski) tās smārt/tech. meitenes, kas sajēdz kaut ko vairāk kā ieiet traukos, apstīties īmeilu un atvērt word pielikumu (bet ne izdrukāt, lol1!) Paši labākie tie koncepti-incepti laikam (var sadzirdēt tekstos, bet tā - sk. apakšā...)

Hanin Elias home
I always felt that things go wrong when I was a child. I had to go to church and even though I hated the priest my parents forced me to go and wanted all these ugly "holy" People to bless me and take care of me. I could really smell that they were fake. You can see hate and greed in their eyes like in Politicians. I really wonder why people are so shocked when they hear that the hole church is a childmolesting Organisation. But they did so many unbelievable cruel massacres in history they will also survive this one....like the military."Let the children come to me, heaven belongs to them...!" I would never trust a man who has not a great women taking care of him!
At the moment everything wants to say just one important thing: Fuck the mans world! It's over! It only brings Violence, War, Destruction Hierachy, Powergames, Hate, Hate and Hate, Genozide and so much more shit. Do you really wanna see the world explode before you believe it? Just take a look at the Worldleaders: George Bush and Ariel Sharon.
What do you see? Stupidity and Brutality? Right! Let's not talk about the rest of The funny looking Power elite. But it's not funny. Are you ready for worldwar III ? I'm not. The change that maybe helps us could be a different view on things that are around us every day. Once I read this documentary about humanbeeings. They discovered that there are 3 sorts of sperms in every man: Blocking- sperms, Killersperms and fast Winnersperms. They fight against other sperm from someone else to win the game. It's like football. The earth is like the female egg with all these stupid sperms on them, running around, flying, fighting, shooting, raping killing, erasing and spitting on her 24/7 for Billions of years (Scientists always seem to find what they are looking for....) I thought,the only one who could possibly help the poor little earthball-egg is us women and the guys who are sensitive enough to understand the need of a Change. No other man can change anything.
But if men support women to get more chances to speak out and if they listen, a big step is made for all of us who want to live. It's not as naive as it sounds..... We have to stand together and stop adoring and idealising everything strong and male. Enough is enough! Boys and girls unite, stand together and fight! We don't fight like Bruce Willis in Armageddon with flags in the background and nationalist- united- sperm-eyes and get off and stuff.
We don't watch poor sperm and rich sperm, white sperm and black sperm, fundamental-islamist-macho- sperm and capitalist-arsehole- sperm shoot each others Phallus-symbols and kill each other anymore. Even if we should....but they wouldn't leave us out of their fucking game. That's the point!
We can't be no longer the victims of their wars. We are the only ones to stop them. We are as many as they are. They can't live without us and we can't live without them. Even if we should....
We can change things slowly in this direction. If we would only have the luxury to think, but that's sometimes difficult.
For example, if I ‚m in the underground, I sit in the train or whatever, I can't concentrate cause every minute some guy tries to get attention, tells you things you didn't asked for, he thinks you sit there just for him to be his object of desire, agression or sexuell studies. And they don't do it secretely or quiet, no, they have to tell you what's on their simple minds.They learned how to do their performance in our capitalist Borderline-Culture and now everyone is just a performer and not a real humanbeeing for the other.
I think it would be a good idea to have a waggon in every tube/ train for women to relax from beeing studied and judged like a consum-product in the supermarket.
I always get into fights and can't get my shit together. This would also be a good way for women to get together and talk with each other. This is only one little thing to change but I think the effect could be a big one...we just need to come together and aim for a better situation without taking things as usual and normal around us. Things can change quickly... We have to keep fighting for the things that we need! It's not that we are good and the boys are bad, we don't need to be proteced by someone.
The "good and evil" for example has a lot to do how people used to see women and black, indian, arabian or asian people in the white culture of the last centuries. They still do. Mostly they don't even hide it. Movies like Basic Instinct or the "Lord of the Rings" are obviously socialdarwinist Films. We get one brainwash after another. Our livingroom became an indoctrinationroom without any exits! They still hold on to the mythologies of the socialdarwinist times. We know where it lead to. Adolf Hitler and most People from white cultural countries felt strongly for this simple way of judging women and different "races" by their noses, eyes, physionomy and sex. We all do it! That doesen't make it right. The way of using simple but strong clichees like that, is still around us everywhere. For example, the so called good and sympathic creatures of the "Lord of the Rings", look and behave like asexuell english People. The evil, dirty, men Creatures look like Jews or Arabs (the magician with the strange nose and dark eyes...), or they want them to look like mongoloid Aboriginies with dreads and there where soooo many of them and they got more and more cause they where created out of the mud/dirt!
The pure white people were elfs or whatever, had one or two children and lived with lot's of space in the beautiful countryside. (looks like the Midlands....). The makers of the film wanted the masses to identify with the good fellers and use the viewers already brainwashed inner fear of foreigners who would steal their land and all this simple fearspreading racist-shit to make the enemies in the movie look like the "real enemies" of white people...
The bad Creatures destroyed everything and turned it into a hell of darkness. What do you think is the not even hidden message of that crowned movie? I could tell you so many examples of brainwash messages and you could tell hundrets, i'm sure, but are we still objective after all that? Especially after the 11th of September. Where will everything lead us to? Don't worry Darling, it's only the third Worldwar. Help yourself, be responsible! Take a stand against one worldleader,big Companies taking over everything ,against capitalist Countries taking over third-world-Countries for oil, petrol, space or control! Open your mouth if you see that things are not right, don't let anyone make you shut up.Who wants to live in a fake ,plastic world surroundet by dead bodies and the so called evil? To me it looks like a Horror-Future- Vision to be save but under absolute control and on the shoulders of real people from poorer countries who we never see.But it's not the Future
it's now! IWF-members sitting in a luxury Hotelsuite deciding about conditions for people in third-worldcountries they never see, if they would meet them they would think twice to rip them off! 1,2 multimillion People have to survive with less than a Dollar a Day, 2,8 multimillion People with less than 2 Dollars a day. There will be more.
Don't give up the fight!
Hanin Elias