popkūltūra no Korejas |
[31. Aug 2012|14:19] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Psy - Gangnam style | ] | Īsāk sakot Gangnam ir biezo rajons Seulā kuriem daudzi šobrīd vēlas līdzināties, jo viņi(gangnamieši) dabū smukās meitenes.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gangnam_Style "Gangnam Style" is a Korean language colloquialism that refers to a luxurious lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district,[4] an affluent and trendy area of Seoul.[5] The music video depicts Psy dancing at various locations in Gangnam.[6] The song's theme is about "the perfect girlfriend who knows when to be refined and when to get wild."[7]
In Korean colloquialism, "오빤 강남 스타일 (Oppan Gangnam style)" may be translated as "I am (loving) the Gangnam style." or literally translated as "I am Gangnam style." or "A Gangnam-styled girl is my style." because the Korean word 오빠 (oppa), which is a noun meaning "a female's elder brother" but can be also used as a first-, second- or third-person masculine pronoun to designate a male who is elder or older than a female, is used as a first-person pronoun in this phrase and 오빤 (oppan) is an abbreviation of 오빠는 (oppaneun) which is translated as "I am" when 오빠 (oppa) is used as a first-person pronoun. |
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Jā taspats. Nelika mieru nesaprotami dziesmas vārdi.
Tagad vēl jāizmēģina dejas soļi :).
Pa dienu galvā ieskrēja jancīga doma. Bums.
Sirmās bārdas kratot šo deju divatā izpilda unpy un indulegence dejojot viens pret otru. Apsmaidījos, jo smieties ar cirvi rokās nav labi. | |