kihelkonna - 15. Decembris 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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15. Decembris 2014

[15. Dec 2014|19:03]
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vairs nav aktuāli, bet vēl daži nepārbaudīti atstāsti par kolu

Some people use regular cola (apparently it must be fresh with bubbles, not flat) to save extermination bills, when they are troubled with rats. Rats can't belch, and they are attracted to the sweet smell and taste. Because they can't expel the gas from their digestive systems, they explode. Messy, but effective.

The 'diet' alternatives don't contain sugar: instead to maintain the sweet taste an artificial sweetener called aspartame is substituted. This is a dipeptide (aspartylphenylalanine methyl ester) which is one hundred to two hundred times sweeter than sucrose. The problem with aspartame is that it contains the amino acid, phenylalanine. Approximately one in ten thousand Northern Europeans are genetically unable to metabolise phenylalanine, which therefore accumulates in the blood. This condition is called phenylketonuria. Affected children become severely mentally defective, unless the diagnosis is made very early in life, and they receive a diet which is low in proteins containing phenylalanine. This means that people suffering from phenylketonuria need to avoid food and drinks that contain aspartame.
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. [15. Dec 2014|20:58]
ko šodien izmetu: pīli Jakobīni. Tā ir stumjamā pīle ar kātu, un braucot plakšķina pleznas (viena pazudusi). jau daudzus gadus es viņu cenšos nobāzt kaut kur tālāk, bet sīči izvelk un noliek kaut kur, kur var aizķerties un nolauzt kaklu.

vakar un aizvakar izmetu: reālu vecu ziemas jaku (tiešām paveca un apdilusi, un nupat esmu iemantojusi ļoti jauku jaku, tā ka veco vairs nevajadzēs). un pelēku velveta žaketi. es reiz humpalās nopirku veselas divas žaketes, un pirmā ir tik patīkama, ka otrā uz viņas fona ir bezcerīga un nevelkama, un tā jau daudzus gadus.

patiesībā ne jau vecās bumbierenēs ir tā izmešanas sāls. man ir paliela čupa papīru, kuri pārstāv manu iepriekšējo dzīvi. un vajag izmest. bet nevaru saņemties. tā es te drīz plika sēdēšu uz tās papīru čupas.
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