Interesanta attīstīja recepte. Rādās, ka varētu noderēt kādreiz, kad mājās visi ķīmijas krājumi izsīkuši, taču virtuvē vēl kaut kas aizķēries.
Caffenol film developer
Water | 8 oz |
Arm & Hammer Washing Soda | 2 tsp (level) |
Folger's Coffee Crystals | 4 tsp (slightly rounded) |
Mixing instructions: Mix soda until completely dissolved and solution is clear. Add coffee, mix until all grittiness is gone and solution is uniform, let stand 5-10 minutes until microbubbles clear. Use within 30 minutes.
Dilution: Use undiluted
Starting point development time: 30 mins
Notes: Gives imagewise stain and general (fog) stain.
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