: who's that girl? - q&a

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Jūlijs 3., 2007

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05:00 - q&a
once upon a not a very long time ago
a friend of mine asked:
+ why do i prefer to ask myself questions i cannot give answers to
+ why don't i ask myself questions i can answer

the best questions i have been asked. ever.
Mūzika: Hot Chip - Over And Over

(1 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:3. Jūlijs 2007 - 06:51
An answer is not necessarily a continuation of the question. Frequently it's just our opinion on how the continuation could look like.
I find it natural to ask questions that either don't have or require an answer. Sometimes, the beauty of the pure expressed thought is so stunning that the only meaningful response to it is silence. Sometimes, there are just too many answers; in no place it's so easy to get lost than in the vastness of mindscape. And some questions are just rhetoric, either in form or in essence.
By the way, I find the word "soulmate" to be a wonderful description of probably most rare and beautiful link between two persons. Truly precious is only the treasure price tag cannot be attached to.

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