: who's that girl? - : teorijas, teorijas

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Janvāris 7., 2011

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15:42 - : teorijas, teorijas
those who hate to go to bed fear death; those who hate to get up - fear life.

es to neizdomāju.
to teicis (it kā) ņekijs wystan hugh auden.
bet interesanti.


(4 with milk | cup of coffee?)


Date:7. Janvāris 2011 - 16:57
Un kā ar tiem, kas vakarā nevar vien aiziet gulēt un no rīta nevar vien piecelties?
[User Picture]
Date:7. Janvāris 2011 - 17:20
Man nekad nav patikusi dzīve.
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Date:7. Janvāris 2011 - 18:46
lika aizdomāties!
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Date:7. Janvāris 2011 - 21:55
Some people prefer death without fearing life and some prefer life without fearing death... but some just don't care, are they dead or alive...

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