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Augusts 12., 2004

[info]f12:17 - btw check this out

You've good times ahead to look forward to. If you put in some extra effort, this may indeed by your lucky week.

Don't be too hasty to jump to a decision this week. What appears a good decision now, could turn out to be the opposite very soon.

Beware of other people spoiling everything because they are jealous or envious about you. Unhappy people will do their best to make you unhappy to this week, when you've no cause to be that way.


Don't be such an open book about your secret desires and feelings. Trust no-one.

A holiday could turn out to be much more fun when you get away from the people who you thought you would want to be around.

The action planet Mars is moving into your sign, indicating excitement is ahead. Men will suddenly play a big role in your affairs as well (because Mars rules the male energy forces.)

Someone you are presently relying upon could soon turn out to be a letdown. You may discover you are unexpectedly left in the lurch at short notice because other people find better things to do.

Keep up the good work. A huge breakthrough is about to come your way so do not give up on anything or anyone.

Say you are sorry to someone, if you've done something mean or upset them unnecessarily. It is best to be nice now, not hold a grudge.

Your determination and hard work is about to pay you big dividends. Expect to receive some rewards or recognition from others very soon.

Save your money. There's a big expense coming up and you‚ll need some spare cash in your pockets to cover it.

Others are about to cancel their arrangements with you. Be prepared to be all dressed up with no place to go, so have some extra phone numbers on hand or plans up your sleeve so you don't feel disappointed unnecessarily.

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