Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 15. Decembris 2011

About 15. Decembris 2011

Liverpool or Rome15:15
Kas man patīk, pa savu logu paveroties, ka lielāko daļu no skata pievakarē aizņem kāreiz tās debesis, kur saules atspīdums mākoņos.

Patlaban, piemēram, ir ļoti jauks detalizēti izzīmēts baltā un tumšizilā mistrojums, ar visām vālu gradācijām pa vidu, kas lēni kuģo pa kreisi virs sarkanbrūniem un pelēkiem jumtiem.

We are in this together19:43
Ko lai dara, katram ir savs laiks, kad uznāk sofomoru atziņas.

But we really are. I mean, not "together" together (although sometimes and for some time, that, too), but we — this wider-than-parent-child-but-not-quite-grandfather-grandchild generation that is currently reading ourselves. What we do, we do in parallel and it all comes to the state of world after us. Did we make it better? Next generations will not read us. They will just perceive the world as we left it for them.
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