Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 23. Oktobris 2009

About 23. Oktobris 2009

Dienas kvizis13:48
Nu, īstenībā vairāk tākā tesc: http://www.web-research-design.net/cgi-bin/crq/crq.pl

According to your questionnaire responses, your attachment-related anxiety score is 3.50, on a scale ranging from 1 (low anxiety) to 7 (high anxiety). Your attachment-related avoidance score is 3.83, on a scale ranging from 1 (low avoidance) to 7 (high avoidance).
... tālāk ... )

Forward planning committee, meeting minutes14:28
a jūs gada sākumā neveicāt rezolūcijas?

Es, piemēram, secinu, ka no savējām 3 esmu teju izpildījis 2 (labi, ne līdz galam, bet arī gads vēl nav gluži beidzies!)

On the perceived differences of perception19:01
Probably jau ceļojis apkārt, bet līdz manīm nonāk pirmoreiz:

Ayn Rand reāli palīdz sakārtot domas. H* ar visām vidzemes augstskolas neklātienēm, vff beckons back! Tiesa gan, lasot tādu fakultātes pārstāvju kā Kūle, intervijas, sāk rasties baža. Bet nu Svece tak vēl tur ir?

Gnostics of the world, unite!20:48
The irrational is the impossible; it is that which contradicts the facts of reality; facts cannot be altered by a wish, but they can destroy the wisher.

If a man desires and pursues contradictions — if he wants to have his cake and eat it, too — he disintegrates his consciousness; he turns his inner life into a civil war of blind forces engaged in dark, incoherent, pointless, meaningless conflicts (which, incidentally, is the inner state of most people today).

// Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness: a new concept of egoism.
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