Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 8. Decembris 2008

About 8. Decembris 2008

banāli, bet.00:42
Plānotais var izrādīties negaidīts.

dārgā redakcija01:10
Apgūstu popmūziku ejot augšup pa lejupejošām kāpnēm. Esmu jau sajēmis pēdējo 60 gadu UK number ones un cītīgu eju tām cauri. //jsu.iedainnieks

An expanse sur mer18:55
Mans deks tops ir ASKĒTISKIS. Jo, tāpat viņu nekad neredz.

Of shoes and sealing wax23:02
Jāpiezīmē, ka tikko dzirdēju komentāru par mūsu Blūmbergzvaigzni.

Bet īstenībā taču viņš angliski stāsta visu to pašu, ko visu laiku mums latviski. Kāpēc cilvēki tā cepjas par to tagad, bet necepās, kad viņš 1:1 to visu laiku lēja mums ausīs?

Hipokrīze, odnako tiešām sanāk. Whom are we trying to deceive?

Hmm.. and I wondered what I am missing...23:25
... tālāk ... )

The task now is to learn how to add something constructive to life and society. You are starting to have sexual feelings again, but now they are focused on other people. In this phase a human learns maturity, their place in society, social skills, intelligence and artistic creativity.

Basicly this means you are almost there. You have put the former stages behind you successfully and you have no fixations. Your Fixation percentage is just a little too high to call you an adult just yet. You just have to mature a little more (now, where's the fun in that? :) ).

//The Freud's 5 Sexual Stages Test, via [info]mlle_wonderland
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