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Šīs dienas dziesma [17. Mar 2009|14:49]
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Date:20. Marts 2009 - 01:14


nereye gider basini alip sorarsin
you ask where she goes
kimbilir durmadan nasil susarsin
who knows how you quieten repeatedly
bilmeden bosuna atip tutarsin
you talk large without knowing in vain
su gibi akip geçer zaman
the time passes and streams like water

gezdin tozdun aman aman aman
you moved around (gallivanted) aman aman aman*
sazdin sözdün aman aman aman
you were saz** (instrument) and word amanx3
giderek üzdün bizi zaman(2x)
Time, you gradually made us sad

yazdin çizdin aman aman
you wrote and drew amanx3
incecik izdin aman aman
you were a thin trace amanx3
siraya dizdin bizi zaman(2x)
Time, you alined us

hep kaçip yeni bir adim atarken
while taking a new step always escaping
dibine kadar çileye batip çikarken
while dipping and getting out of the pain till the far end
içine atip atip yoluna basip giderken
while going to your path keeping (the problems) to yourself
su gibi akip geçer zaman
the time passes and streams like water

*a kind of exclamation
**"saz" is an instrument played in Turkish folk music and other kinds at the same time.
*Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises-----

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