- 2nd
- 11:09 am: diena pēc rītDIENAs
- 5th
- 10:21 am: (no subject)
- 6th
- 04:37 pm: šis un tas par šo un to
- 7th
- 11:09 am: +/-
03:51 pm: mīnus
- 8th
- 10:04 am: jau labāk
- 12th
- 05:24 pm: (no subject) - 2 comments
- 14th
- 09:13 am: vienotās informācijas sistēmas prasību specifikācija
- 16th
- 08:37 am: (no subject)
04:13 pm: (no subject)
- 19th
- 03:17 pm: (no subject)
- 20th
- 10:25 am: (no subject)
- 21st
- 03:17 pm: (no subject) - 2 comments
- 22nd
- 10:58 am: (no subject)
02:33 pm: (no subject)
- 23rd
- 04:09 pm: (no subject) - 5 comments
- 26th
- 10:27 am: (no subject)
10:27 pm: (no subject)
- 27th
- 02:04 pm: (no subject)
04:56 pm: nupat jau lietus sāk sisties logā - 2 comments
- 30th
- 09:05 am: (no subject) - 2 comments
the trailing spouse - July 2004
because i am a full grown lonely cat