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Woke [Jul. 7th, 2023|06:02 pm]
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The term "woke" originated in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) and refers to being aware of social and political issues, particularly those related to racial and social justice. It has since gained widespread usage in mainstream culture.

"Woke" is often used to describe individuals who are actively engaged in understanding and addressing systemic injustices, such as racism, sexism, inequality, and other forms of social oppression. It signifies a heightened awareness of social issues and a commitment to challenging and dismantling these systems of oppression.

The concept of being woke extends beyond a mere awareness of issues. It encompasses taking action to combat inequality, supporting marginalized communities, and advocating for social change. Woke individuals often engage in conversations, activism, and education to raise awareness and promote social justice.

However, it's worth noting that the term "woke" has also been subject to criticism and debate. Some argue that it has been diluted or misused, while others feel that it has become divisive. The interpretation and usage of the term can vary among individuals and communities, leading to different perspectives and discussions.
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